About Us

About Us

TradeLink Solutions has a core team of renewable energy and non-renewable energy experts offering financial and commercial advice. With careers spanning the gas, power, renewable and energy trading fields, our consultants have a breadth of knowledge that provides our clients with the confidence that they will receive the best of advice.

At the forefront of the renewable market, we have accumulated a large portfolio of clients that are benefitting from our consultancy skills derived from both our industry experience and our own development of hydroelectric generating stations.

Our wide network of trading relationships and industry contacts mean that we are well placed to secure the best available contractual terms in power and renewable agreements.

Our activities include:

  • Accrediting renewable generation plants and trading the associated electricity and renewable benefits
  • Generating renewable electricity by owning and operating hydropower plants
  • Undertaking feasibility studies for new hydropower projects
  • Trading Renewable Obligation Certificates in our monthly ROC auction

However, the nature of advice we have provided to date is far wider and more diverse than the list above. If you have any consultancy requirements relating to the UK energy markets then call us for advice on how we may be of help.

Tradelink Solutions is a member of TLS Energy Ltd which includes TLS Hydropower Ltd.